The Waukesha YMCA is proud to provide Before & After School Engagement programming for families throughout the Waukesha community. Before & After School Programs provides an opportunity for fun while keeping kids safe and engaged through research-based core components: Tutoring & Mentoring, Arts Education, Leadership Development, Global Awareness & Inclusion, Health & Wellness, and Service Learning. Our affordable program and flexible schedule give families peace of mind that their child is a part of a great program before and/or after school.
- Children in 4K (must be toilet trained) through 5th grade are welcome. Check with your location for the specific ages their program covers.
- Program availability varies based on each site’s licensed capacity. Capacities will be posted at each licensed location.
- Parents must keep the information on all forms updated and notify us immediately of changes.
Online Registration
Register online or complete a School Age Child Care Application.
- If you have an online account with us, select the “Register” button. If you do not have a login, learn how to create or manage your account.
- Registration is not finalized until confirmation is received from the Registrar.
- Complete a School Age Child Care Application. See the “Forms” tab for more required forms.
- Registration is not finalized until confirmation is received from the Registrar
Meadowbrook Elementary
2024-25 School Age Child Care Registration & Information Packet
Mill Creek Elementary
2024-25 School Age Child Care Registration & Information Packet
Forms & handbook
2024-25 FORMS
2024-25 School Age Child Care Registration & Information Packet (Required)
2024-25 Payment Authorization Form (Required)
Child Health Report (Required for 2-4 year olds)
2024-25 Parent Handbook
2024-25 Change/Cancellation Form
Mill Creek Academy
2024-25 School Age Child Care Registration & Information Packet (Required)
2024-25 Payment Authorization Form (Required)
Child Health Report (Required for 2-4 year olds)
2024-25 Parent Handbook
2024-25 Change/Cancellation Form
Additional Forms
Authorization to Administer Medication
Immunization Record
Alternative Arrival/Release Agreement
Wisconsin Licensing Rules for Child Care Programs
Program goals
The Basics
Tuition Guidelines
Membership Incentive
Before & After School Care families are eligible to receive a reduced rate on a Household Membership with the YMCA of Greater Waukesha County.
Families enrolled in Before & After School Care for three or more days for either AM or PM care would receive a $10/month incentive on membership. Families enrolled in five days of Before & After School Care for either AM or PM care would receive a $20/month incentive membership.