Waukesha Y Time
The affordable Waukesha Y Time program provides a quality, safe, nurturing environment that fosters relationships, achievement, and belonging.
Through our after school engagement program, we pick up your student from school and transport them to the Waukesha YMCA for activities and enrichment programming. The affordable program provides a quality, safe, nurturing environment that fosters relationships, achievement, and belonging. We strive to deliver our curriculum with a child-centered approach that focuses on where each individual child is developmentally; cognitively, socially-emotionally, and physically.
- Parents must keep the information on all forms updated and notify us immediately of changes.
Online Registration
Register online or complete a School Age Child Care Application.
- If you have an online account with us, select the “Register” button. If you do not have a login, learn how to create or manage your account.
- Registration is not finalized until confirmation is received from the Registrar.
- Complete a School Age Child Care Application. See the “Forms” tab for more required forms.
- Registration is not finalized until confirmation is received from the Registrar
2024-25 School Age Child Care Registration & Information Packet
Forms & handbook
2024-25 FORMS
2024-25 School Age Child Care Registration & Information Packet (Required)
2024-25 Payment Authorization Form (Required)
2024-25 Parent Handbook
2024-25 Change/Cancellation Form
Additional Forms
Authorization to Administer Medication
Immunization Record
Alternative Arrival/Release Agreement
Wisconsin Licensing Rules for Child Care Programs
Program goals
The Basics
Tuition Guidelines
Pick Up Locations
Membership Incentive
Before & After School Care families are eligible to receive a reduced rate on a Household Membership with the YMCA of Greater Waukesha County.
Families enrolled in Before & After School Care for three or more days for either AM or PM care would receive a $10/month incentive on membership. Families enrolled in five days of Before & After School Care for either AM or PM care would receive a $20/month incentive membership.