Home School Gym Class (5-8)
Tri County YMCAHome School Gym Class will provide an opportunity to kids seeking academic achievement from home, the chance to get into a gym and work on fitness, health, and teamwork. Games...
Online Member Registration: Opens Mon, Dec 9
Online Program Participant Registration: Opens Mon, Dec 16
Online Member Registration: Opens Mon, Feb 3
Online Program Participant Registration:Â Opens Mon, Feb 10
Home School Gym Class will provide an opportunity to kids seeking academic achievement from home, the chance to get into a gym and work on fitness, health, and teamwork. Games...
Have fun and practice foot-eye coordination. Individual and team skills will help your child learn how to run, jump, balance, and kick in a soccer setting.
"Water Stamina: Children entering this level should be able to front and back float independently. Students learn to swim to safety from a longer distance. They are introduced to rhythmic...
"Water Acclimation: Children entering this level should be comfortable working with an instructor without a parent in the water. Students develop comfort with underwater exploration and learn to safely exit...
Learn ballet, jazz, and more while dancing to the music of your favorite Disney Princesses.
"Water Movement: Children entering this level should be able to go underwater voluntarily. Students focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water while continuing...
Water Exploration: Children entering this level should be comfortable in the water, able to respond to verbal cues and jump on land. Parents work with their children to explore body...
Learn ballet, jazz, and more while dancing to the music of your favorite Disney Princesses.
"Water Movement: Children entering this level should be able to go underwater voluntarily. Students focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water while continuing...
"Water Acclimation: For the child not quite ready to swim without the parent. Transition between parent and instructor throughout first half of session. Focus is on learning to listen to...
Introduction to ballet positions, barre, stretching, and center combination.
This class is designed for individuals with special needs. This class focuses on overall water safety and individual coordination, physical fitness, and basic swimming skills that fosters growth and increases...